Monday, 15 December 2008
New Project, New Probes
The brief is to create something that enhance creativity at computer workstations made by HP.
So first of all, I have to do some research - books, the web, and of course, cultural probes!
This time around, I have made the research packs a lot sleeker - more professional, better materials etc. as to hopefully get better results.
Pics will be up soon!
Saturday, 29 November 2008

"Straight Up Chess has just the chess board to fit today’s life style… a wall mounted chess board. The chess board tiles become the back drop to the chess pieces sitting on narrow acrylic shelves. The decorative frame adds the finishing touch to this fine art for your home or office. The chess board is off the table, out of the closet, out of the way and beautifully displayed on the wall. Let the game begin!
There are no time clocks when you play on a Straight Up Chess Board. This is a casual game. As you pass by the Straight Up Chess board, you make your move, mark it with the “last move” marker and continue on your way. Later, your opponent passes by, makes their move and marks it as “last move”. And the game goes on."
This year I've really enjoyed it - maybe it's because I'm seeing some physical results from the work that I'm doing, but anyway, here's some of the results!
This is a project using microcontrollers and c programming (a bit dated I know, but it's similar to the Arduino platform). We had to design and build an object that incorporated a light dependant resistor (LDR) and four light emitting diodes (LEDs) using C programming, printed circuit board (PCB) design software, Solidworks and a rapid prototyping machine.
This is the result: a picture frame that protects the vaulable painting within it from harmful light levels (as strong light can degrade the pictures' colour quality). As the light level increases, more warning lights turn on, indicating to the user that the picture should be moved.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
After the competition...
The Design for Industry course won the main prize, but that was exactly what the competition was - designing a service for an industry. Although their students came up with good ideas, they were all very "safe" in terms of the brief. Our course on the other hand challenged the brief, and came up with some crazy ideas and pushed the boundaries of what a self service actually is.
This is where I believe design has to go - there is no point going round in circles designing boring run of the mill stuff, we need to move forward and by thinking outside of the box we can do this!
Introducing Frame
Back in action!
Friday, 21 November 2008
Wireless Router Vase

A nice way of hiding technology. Well, when I say hiding, I mean making it a bit more human. Anyway it's a wireless router in a vase by company STC.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
100 to 1
Thursday, 13 November 2008
It's all falling apart!
Bros Mind Studios

Some really nice illustrations from the Mingarro Brothers - especially the anatomical drawings. Big Fan!
Friday, 7 November 2008
Go Team Fundraising!
Watch this space for more information. We'll probably set up a dedicated blog so I'll post up the link soon!
Change of plan
I have came to realise that this topic is more suited to my subject and it will help me in my studio work, and plus I'll actually be able to research this one! What a nightmare it is trying to talk to ghosts!
Thursday, 30 October 2008

I've recently had a theory from watching You've Been Framed! that a lot of comedy comes from objects - either breaking or people using them the wrong way. I've thought about this and I'm wondering if a "breaking factor" should be included in the design of objects. Or even an ability to repair them very easily? Who knows... just a thought!
Monday, 27 October 2008
100 Ideas
I am really enjoying this part of the project as I get to empty my thoughts out onto paper and start being creative!

Monday, 20 October 2008
I Love Glasstorm!

On Saturday I surprisingly received my first probe pack back! It was the one I sent to glass-blower Brodie Nairn at Glasstorm glass studio up in Tain (near Inverness), and it is pure gold! I am so grateful to him for completing it and am currently thinking about what to send him as a thank you.
Things are looking up! I also recommend looking at their project called "Lamppot" - my favourite piece of work from them.
You want flies with that?

The Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill
Although they are very good at being efficient (and sometimes energy saving), I don't think humans are meant to be efficient. How boring would life be if all you did was go from A to B without a bit of banter, a laugh, even sadness? We're not robots! It's made me even more determined not to make mass produced objects.

And following on from a comment, if a craft is doing something over and over again, then I must be a master craftsman at making Big Macs! I think there's more to being a craftsman than meets the eye.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Faith and Beliefs
It's a sad day...
Although I've had no real responses from the participants, I have noticed a common factor between them - it doesn't matter what discipline or country the craftsman is in, they all have no time! They are all too busy to do anything , but work. Could this be a driving factor for my project?
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
The affect of popular culture on crafts
Mass manufacture v craft
But the topic that stood out to me was - The affect of design on spirituality and beliefs.
I've picked up a couple of books for researching this topic, but the most interesting one is
"Voodoo - Mounted by the Gods" by Alberto Venzag. I love it! It's scary yet intriguing.

Selfish Self Service
It's only been a day, but I was throwing some ideas around in the meeting yesterday and I think I will pursue a more intangible direction to this - such as well-being, spirituality, etc.
Although this is just a thought, I will have to carry out some research on myself regarding daily routines and such, and the insights I will get from my probe packs will also help - if I ever get them...
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Design Studies
Monday, 13 October 2008
Inspirational Image

I want what I make to bring out the personal side of the induvidual, to be an experience for the person. I want it to be less about the product and use it more as a vehicle for content, such as memories. The things I want to make are unique to the person, crafting it to their personalities making it an extension of themselves. None of this mass produced stuff!
The Cloud

Sunday, 12 October 2008
Knitting is not dead!
The Future of Craft
The piece that stood out to me was a giant glove created by Freddie Robbins called: "Hand of Good, Hand of God". The quality of the machine knitting was incredible.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Here's some other drawings I did over the summer. Paddy and I found an amazing Japanese bookshop in Vancouver and bought some comic books. Although we couldn't read what the characters were saying, the pictures said more than enough. The strange thing we noticed in the bookshop was the layout - boys on the left, girls on the right.

Sunday, 5 October 2008
Cultural Probes
These probes allow you to ask more personal questions but not in an obtrusive way.
My probes are focused at local craftsmen, women and electronic engineers to see if there are any similarities/difference between them. The packs contain:
a disposable camera
a rule sheet
a recipe book
4 postcards
I am sending these probes away tomorrow, so hopefully by next week I will have some results!
The origins of my interest

This project helped me realises the route I wanted to take with my studies and hopefully my future career. Here's hoping!
Monday, 29 September 2008
My aim is to study and create unique digital products by combining traditional methods of manufacturing with the modernity of electronics. By crafting the digital aspect of the object along with the physical, the result will be a unique solution for an equally unique problem.