Thursday, 26 November 2009

Furniture Storage

A set of sofas that have usb hard drives embedded in them. Reminds me of my third year project about physically using digital data. Nice! Created by Cabracega.

Who Doesn't Love Fresh Food?

Some great non electrical solutions to preserving a whole selection of foods. It would save me a couple of bob from rotten veg & bills!

Here's the link.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


After the ideas day on Tuesday & talking to my lecturers, I have decided on a couple of ideas to move on to the play stage of the design process - experimenting & prototyping different solution to problems. I have created a blog to document the progress -

Feel free to comment on anything & add to the list of things I should look at.


Friday, 13 November 2009


Currently I am one quarter of the way through my final year (scary thought!) - completing the first in four stages of our courses design process - FIND, PLAY, MAKE, TALK. I have found people to work with & generated one hundred ideas all about mystery, selecting the best twenty.

To help aid our year in choosing what ideas to take forward & play with, a selection of industry figureheads came to have a look at our ideas. The people were:

Andrew Shoben from Greyworld
Daljit Singh from Digit
Richard Banks & Tim Regan from Microsoft Research
Bill Gaver from Goldsmiths
Charlie Rohan from NCR

It was a great day & I learned a ridiculous amount of the design world outside of academia - chuffed! & I might even have the idea I want to make...

Here are some pics of the setup of the room & my table.

Business Card

Sorry about the font change on the last post, I can't figure out what happened...

Anyway, to increase the believability of my "company" I have create business cards based entirely on the scene in American Psycho - an amazing prop in its own right. I think they look pretty good!


I've been keeping this under wraps & have been way to busy to post anything, but now I can show everyone my (currently fictional) business - PropDeluxe.

e creates bespoke film props for movie lovers, customised exactly to their wishes, so they can have have a deeper, more meaningful experience with their favourite film.

The Mission Statement:

To create the perfect movie experience through making beautiful bespoke props of the highest quality for lovers of film.

With this company, I have created some "fake evidence": images that show how successful I want the company to be if I actually set it up.

There will be more to come, but I hope you like it & tell me what you think. Cheers.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

If I don't become a designer...

...I want to work here! (This only applies if the company lives up to what it's saying!)