Thursday, 5 February 2009


I seem to have lost two months! So I'll have to bring you back to speed:

Christmas (yay!)
New Year (yaaaaaaaaay!)
Back to Uni (yay?)

Before we split up for xmas, we were given a choice of briefs from D&AD.
These were:
Design a product that encourages people to drink tap water
Design an Antarctic explorer device with the style of Fortnum & Masons
Design a computer related product that encourages the creative mind

As I enjoy the freedom of an open brief, I chose the third option.

So during the holidays and the last two weeks, I had to come up with
one hundred ideas, from the research I had gathered. Needless to say
my head hurts from all that thinking!

From the 100, we had to narrow it down to 1 in one day - last Tuesday.

The winner is a system of organising and storing digital memory in a
physical way. I've got a lot of research to do!

I'll try to get some pics of the sketchbook up when I get it back
(it's currently being assessed).

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